living Stones

This year for our annual financial stewardship campaign we’re thinking about the image of "Living Stones" and how God continues to build us into a spiritual home where we connect to Christ.  

We’re sharing our gratitude for all the gifts of the past; we’re encouraging continued joyful generosity in the present; and we’re thinking about our future as our congregation enters our 40th year of ministry in 2025. That’s just incredible to consider! 

Below, you'll find several stories from members in our congregation who have taken time to reflect on how God has placed them among the community of faith as living stones.  They consider how they learned to be generous with what God has given them and engage in the mission of our church -- to connect people to share in Christ's mission of grace. 

BLessed to be a blessing

God has blessed us to be a blessing to others. It's more than just a phrase; it's who we are.  Several member families recently sat down to reflect on their generosity journey and how they engage with the mission at PMLC.  We hope you enjoy getting to know a little more about the people down the pew from you and how Jesus is showing up in their lives. 

  • The Baders

    Belonging to a church has been a part of our entire lives. When we moved to Texas, we were in the mode of raising children, earning a living, establishing ourselves in a new community, and simply looking to continue our faith journey. Our immediate focus was to find a Church home - a community within which our family could worship and where our children could make friends, have fun, continue to learn Christian morality and values, and establish a basis for our future journey of faith/belief. We joined Preston Meadow Lutheran in November 1991... 

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  • The mashigians

    We moved to Plano in 1986 from New Jersey and began looking for a church home.  We wanted to start a family and belong to a church that would provide a strong foundation in Christ.  We started visiting PMLC and were thankful of how welcoming and friendly the members were.  From the beginning we felt right at home. 


    We love PMLC’s mission of connecting people and sharing in Christ’s mission of grace.  This has been a blessing for our family knowing we are forgiven, saved, healed and prosperous. Through our journey at PMLC we experienced...Click here to read more...


    Several years ago, we were looking for a church where we felt comfortable, included, and welcomed through invitation to join in community. Callie (our oldest daughter) was 6 months old at the time, so we were also looking for a nursery for her to attend during the day while we worked full time. The Preschool was only 3 miles from the school I taught at, so it was very convenient to drop her off in the mornings on my way to work and scoop her up in the afternoon on my way home to Frisco.  A nursery where Callie was loved and well cared for, and a church we could call home, became...Click here to read more...