Grace and Blessings
We moved to Plano in 1986 from New Jersey and began looking for a church home. We wanted to start a family and belong to a church that would provide a strong foundation in Christ. We started visiting PMLC and were thankful of how welcoming and friendly the members were. From the beginning we felt right at home.
We love PMLC’s mission of connecting people and sharing in Christ’s mission of grace. This has been a blessing for our family knowing we are forgiven, saved, healed and prosperous. Through our journey at PMLC we experienced that we are blessed to be a blessing, and it is better to give than to receive. Our family aspires to live to give rather than give to live. We believe we should give where we are fed and that is PMLC.
For us, giving is like throwing a pebble into water that creates a ripple effect on the surrounding water. We joyously tithe with the hope of a positive effect on others that furthers God’s kingdom. Our greatest hope is that PMLC always uses the Bible as The truth and continues to nurture our youth on their faith journeys so they too can realize the immense joy of grace and being a blessing to others.
Gary and Sandy Mashigian
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