Youth & Family Ministry Signups

In order to help you stay up to date with what's going on in the Youth and Family Ministry at PMLC and let you sign up for events easily and at your own pace, we have setup a list of all the current signups going on at PMLC. You can access them here.

  • VBS will be from June 10th-14th from 9:00am-12:00pm. Kids ages 3 years old (potty trained)-entering 5th grade will become voyagers on a journey through space, exploring where God’s power can take them.

    To sign up, click on this link:

    To volunteer for VBS (entering 6th grade-adult) click on this link: Volunteers are what make this week so fabulous for the kids. There are many opportunities for people of all ages and I'd love if you would join us for either the full week or part of the week!

  • Click here to fill out the Medical Release and Permission form for the 2018-2019 academic year. This form is needed to be filled out once per academic year and is good for all year. This form is needed for all trips where PMLC provides transportation for your youth or for all overnight events. 

    For the Adult form, go to

    For the Youth form, go to

  • The High School trip this summer is with SERVE BOLDLY—an ELCA Lutheran Mission Trip Organization and we are pleased to announce that we will be heading to Denver, CO for a week of service, fellowship, faith formation, and sightseeing. We will be spending the nights on the floor of a local ELCA church and serving throughout the days at local outreach centers, VBS programs, and other ministry partners around the Denver Metro area. We will start and end the day with worship and we will also have daily bible studies to help feed our spirits while we are out exhausting our bodies.

    This is a new experience for us at PMLC but we have been doing Mission Trips like this for many years. I know that this trip will be a huge success and I hope you join us on this amazing trip and invite your friends.You won’t want to miss out, so sign up now! 

  • The Middle School Summer SERVE Trip this year is heading to Briarwood with MISSION DFW. The Mission DFW program is a unique Camp/Mission Hybrid experience that combines service opportunities in our community with the fun of summer camp.  Participants will be based at Briarwood and will travel out into the community each day in work teams to provide services and a positive Christian message.  Groups will return to camp for some Briarwood style fun. There are opportunities for both youth and adults during Mission DFW.  Campers get the experience of Briarwood and the vast opportunities of service that DFW has to offer. This is the experience of a lifetime and a great way to spend the summer!

    • YouthConnect and KidsConnect are our Sunday School Programs at PMLC. Every Sunday from 9:45am-10:45am we meet and talk about the week's reading and how they apply to our lives this week. We meet in a Large Group/Small Group model and trust me, your youth and kids will love it. We sing songs, play games and have an all around good time while learning about God and connecting with each other. 
    • Confirmation at PMLC is a 2 year program that is typically started in 7th grade and completed in 8th grade. We meet on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30pm during the school year and the kids love it. It may be the best program at PMLC!
    • High School Da'Lght is our High School Youth Group. We have dinner, some game time and then dive into a bible study topic that is tied into current events. This is a must for your high schooler to connect at PMLC and with other kids their age.

    To sign up, click on YouthConnect, KidsConnect, Confirmation, or High School Da'Light above for age specific registrations forms.

Youth & Family Ministry Calendar